Sunday 19 July 2015

Summer Support Update

A while back I made a little blog post about what I'm doing this summer (You can catch up on that here: )

Here's an update.
Camp has started! We are just about to go into our third week of camp and it is so good.  I have had moments where everything in me screams "This is why I am alive!" and also moments where everything in me screams "I need a nap!" I have seen lives changed because of the love of Jesus. There is nothing like looking into the eyes of a camper who has experienced the transformational work of Christ in their lives just in one week.  It is a beautiful ministry. Amongst the chaos of camp there is the calm of Christ that speaks out "my yoke is easy and my burden is light."

Camp has taught me to trust God for everything. We need nurses. God has provided. We need cabin leaders. God has provided. Speakers. Provided. Healing. Provided. Energy. Provided. Over and over God is faithful. God is teaching me to trust him. God is teaching me to pray boldly.

This week while I was at camp I got an email from the Evangelical Mennonite Conference Missions Mobilizer notifying me that I still have over $6,500 to raise for my trip to Guadalajara, Mexico this coming September. I haven't had much of a chance to raise support because camp takes up most (all) my time. Was I crazy to try to do camp, support raising, and two internships at the same time? Maybe. Does God have a plan to make calm out of this chaos? Yes. Does he have a plan to show himself as Provider and Sustainer? Definitely.

God will provide.
Always has.
Always will.

Even if it looks different than what I think it should.

So friends, I'm asking for your support. I need your prayers. I need a team who will pray for me this summer as I work at Echo Lake and as I prepare to go to Mexico. If you'd like to be a part of this team and get weekly updates on how I am doing and how you can be praying for me, please email me at with your name and I'll send you updates starting Saturday!

I also need your financial support. If you'd like to be a part of this ministry, please donate. There are two ways to do this. Firstly, you can contact me on facebook or at and I will send you a form that you can send with your donation to the EMC conference so that you can get a donation receipt. Secondly, you can donate online at under the campaign Missions Fund with a note to seller that you are making a donation for Allison Schneck.  This form of donation is also recieptable. Lastly, if you don't want a donation receipt, you can mail your donation to P.O. Box 2232 Fort St. James, BC V0J 1P0 or contact me via facebook or email. If you could send in your donations ASAP so that I can begin planning the logistics that would be muchly appreciated! Please consider how you can support me during this time. Every little bit helps, whether $10 or $100 do what you feel called to do.

God is doing something huge at Echo Lake right now. God is doing something huge in Guadalajara right now. I get the opportunity to be a part of both of those things. What an amazing blessing! God is bringing his people to himself and I get to do that with him. God uses me despite my flaws. His love extends to the corners of the world. His love extends to the corners of my soul. He is with me and I am with him.

Thanks for your support, friends. I am truly blessed.

Echo Lake Bible Camp- Sunset July 2015

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