Wednesday 13 May 2015

"What cha doooin'?"

You might be interested in what I'm doing with the next couple of months of my life. I think it's fun, you might too, I dunno. 

SO! Starting right about now, I'm the Summer Program Intern at Echo Lake Bible Camp. I'm taking over for our previous super awesome program director for this summer as he moves on to a different Bible Camp on Pender Island. Pretty neat. I'll be starting with some rental groups in June and then onto full blown regular camp season in July and August. I'm excited! Super excited!! God's going to do something crazy at Echo Lake this summer. I can feel it. Smells like revival. Also smells like sweat, sunscreen and bug spray. Mmmm. (Shameless promotion: )

I need your prayer for that, folks! Pray that I would have creativity, confidence, and Christ-likeness. (Three Cs, see how I did that? Alliteration helps remembering. I really want you to remember to pray for me this summer.) Also, let's proclaim God as provider. This is his camp. He will do things when he wants, how he wants, using the people he wants. And his way is always perfect. (Proclaim Perfect Provider. I did it again.) 

THEN! In September I will be going to the urban-middle class city of Guadalajara, Mexico on an 8 month internship with the Evangelical Mennonite Conference's Ascend Internship Program. I will be serving alongside of six experienced long term missionaries and doing things such as children and youth ministry, leading Bible Studies, discipleship, friendship evangelism, student ministry, and recreational involvements. Language learning and cultural adaptation will also be central to my internship, as will intercession. It's going to be a Jesus fiesta. (Shameless promotion:

I need your prayer for that too, folks! Pray that I would be a learner and a light. Once again proclaim God as the Perfect Provider. Pray that I would get the financial support I need to actually be able to go (If you'd like to support me, send me an email or message me on the Facebook). Pray that God would blow my preconceptions of what missions looks like. Pray that I would have a broken and humble heart. 

All I know is that God is doing something on this earth. He's building his perfect kingdom using imperfect people like me. He's saving people from brokenness and restoring them to wholeness. He's showing us how to be more human because of his grace. Let's not just do something great together, let's be something great together. Because that's all God wants us to be. He just wants us to be his. That is peace. 

*High fives for Jesus!*  
*Shalom in the home!*

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