Tuesday 19 April 2016

Tlapa Thoughts

Last week I went to Tlapa, a town of 80,000 indigenous people with the HADIME students from MBmission's Matthew Training Centre.

The goal in the trip was to observe, serve, and learn. The way that this was to be accomplished was simple: live with the locals, and do what they do. 

I listened to 16 year olds talk about taking selfies in their ancient indigenous language. I played the ever-epic camp game "ninja" with some kids. I listened to a mother talk about her husband's tireless work to provide for the family. I watched SpongeBob SquarePants after school on a Tuesday afternoon. I watched as a worried mother took care of her baby with a stomach infection. I sat with a family mourning the loss of their father and friend. 

These are the simple every day things. This is what missions looks like. It's not so much saving the world as it is sitting with the world. Saving people is Jesus' work. Sometimes we're just called to sit, observe, serve, and learn. 

There is so much more that I could say of my experience of Tlapa. I was able to receive a glimpse of the rich cultures that are there. I was able to approach a culture that is totally different from the Latino culture in Guadalajara and see that everyone is human. I'm not an anthropologist. I can't tell you why people resort to illegal activities to provide for their families. I can't even begin to understand the funeral traditions of this culture. I don't know why we had a flat screen TV but no running water. What I can do is approach humbly, give up my biases, see another human as a human and respect that. I can see our mutual need for Christ as our Savour whether rich or poor. 

Please pray for me as my time interning is coming to a close! Only two more weeks and I'll be headed back to Canada! Pray that I would remain focused on the things I have left to accomplish in GDL. 
Pray for the team here as they continue to share God's love with the people they come into contact with every day.

 Funeral procession in Tlapa. Beautiful flowers were taken to the cemetery.* 
View from the cemetery*
 Views of Tlapa*
 Street views. 
 Gorgeous sunset 
Me and my host family. So blessed to have been able to stay and learn from them. 

*Photo Cred: Jen Schmidt

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