Tuesday 1 September 2015

Summer Support Update (Part II)

God has provided.
Always has.
Always will.

Even if it looked different than what I thought it would.


I have all of the support I need to live in Guadalajara for the next 8 months. 

It's actually such a miracle to see what support has come in both in prayers and in finance. God has proved himself over and over to be Provider, and that he knows my need, and sees me. We serve an incredibly loving and faithful God! I am left breathless by his grace. I've been taken in by the avalanche of his love. 

On Tuesday (One! More! Week!) I am leaving on a jet plane and beginning my internship. 
It's going to be beautiful. It's going to be awkward at times. It's going to be joyous. It's going to be stretching. It's going to be so much more than I ever imagined. 

Ministry is messy, but all miracles are. Let's pray to the Prince of Peace to make calmness out of chaos, to draw his people to himself, and to make us more like him. 

God is doing something big. 

On another note, the regular season of camp has ended. Thank you for your prayers for Echo Lake Bible Camp. It has been one of the best and most stretching summers I've ever had. We have seen kids' lives changed by the good news of the gospel and by the love that they experienced in one week. It's a weird thing to think that I won't get to dress up like a unicorn on a weekly basis, and shout "YIPPIE KI-YAY" at the top of my lungs several times a day, but I still get to share Jesus with people and still get to live in his love and grace. What a blessing!

Ministry never stops. 

Please continue to pray for me as I prepare for leaving for Mexico. It's a busy time, but it's a good time. Also, keep watching this blog and Facebook for updates!

We're depending on God;
he's everything we need. 
What's more, our hearts brim with joy
since we've taken for our own his holy name. 
Love us, God, with all you've got-
that's what we're depending on.
Psalm 33:20-22 (MSG)

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