Saturday 11 May 2013

Unemployed... Still

After many job applications and weeks of waiting by my phone, I have gotten really good at being unemployed.

Like really good.

Usually I wake up at around 10 and stumble to the kitchen to eat last night's leftover dinner, or some good 'ol PB and J.

Then it's social media time. Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo, Pinterest, Tumblr, repeat.
It's a science really.

I've also gotten considerably good at Tetris Battle.

I started my unemployment journey at a meager  level 30, now I am level 46 (and climbing).

Yes, I am really cool, thanks for asking.

Also, Doctor Who.

Let me tell ya, best Sci-Fi show ever. Ever ever. Like ever. We are never ever ever getting back together ever. Wait, what? T-Swift, what are you doing here?

Also, I think I lost my mind.

I forgot two passwords yesterday and had to get them changed.

Most days, I go for a walk downtown with resumes in hand. Most walks take about an hour.
I'm slightly tanned because of it.


People! Poems are so delightful!

Here are a few of my favorite:

I Chose the Mountain by Howard Simon
A Psalm of Life by Henery Wadsworth Longfellow
Forgetfulness by Billy Collins
Love's Philosophy by Percy Bysshe Shelley
A Child said, What is the Grass by Walt Whitman
Abou Ben Adhem by James Henry Leigh Hunt

I found all these poems and many more on the Top 500 Poems List.

Google it.

It's magical.

Also, BOOKS! I read The Silence of Bonadventure Arrow last night.

One sitting. (Well, two because I feel asleep in the middle of it)

It was pretty fun.

I have also read several other novels these past weeks. I love libraries.

So now I've convinced you all that I am a looney girl who has lost her memory, that watches Doctor Who all day, plays Tetris and reads too much. Perfect.

And that is the current state of my unemployed life.

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